XL Pots - Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv'
€ 24,00
Grote moederplant, gekweekt in een vierkante pot van 9 cm.
(foto's laten kleine broertje zien in pot van 5cm)
Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv' is a patented variety of Microsorum pteropus, named after Tropica's founder Holger Windeløv. Its finely branched leaf tips make it one of the most beautiful aquarium plants. The Microsorum variety becomes 15-20 cm tall and wide.
A hardy and easy plant for both beginners and the more experienced. Best results are obtained by planting it on a stone or tree root. If planted in the bottom the horizontal rhizome must not be covered. This plant is not eaten by herbivorous fish.

Plant info
Type: Rhizomateus
Herkomst: Cultivar
Groeisnelheid: langzaam
Hoogte: 10 - 20+
Lichtvraag: Laag
CO2 : Laag